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AI Adopt Program

Big Day for Australian AI at Turium AI

May 9, 2024

According to the ACS Digital Pulse 2023 report, Australia ranks 13th among 14 leading economies in AI deployment, with only 24% of businesses utilising AI and a staggering 95% of the Australian workforce faces a reskilling imperative. It's a wake-up call, signaling the need for immediate action.

On 8th December 2023, the Hon. Ed Husic MP, the AIIA CEO Simon Bush and our Turium Ai founder Dan Saldi, unveiled the Australian Government's Responsible AI Adopt Program, a strategic initiative underpinned by an investment of $17 million. The program is a visionary step towards establishing AI Adopt Centres across the nation, to significantly enhance the integration of artificial intelligence within Australian businesses. This initiative represents a major milestone in our national endeavor to become a frontrunner in the global AI landscape.

Dan Saldi our founder, had the honor of hosting The Hon. Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science, and AIIA CEO Simon Bush, unveiling the Australian Government’s $17M Responsible Artificial Intelligence Adopt Program. This initiative will set up to five AI Adopt Centres nationwide, focusing on integrating AI into Australian businesses safely and efficiently.

Voices of Leadership:

1. Simon highlighted the critical need for this initiative: "Australia lags in business AI adoption globally. This program is a vital investment, empowering Australian businesses to embrace and excel in generative AI technologies."

2. Minister Ed Husic MP emphasised the program's transformative potential: "These centres will provide clear, direct advice for businesses to integrate AI into their systems, unlocking enormous potential for competitive advantage in the international market."

3. Dan's visionary statement: "This AI program is more than just financial backing; it’s a belief, a belief in us, in Australia, to lead the world in tech. At Turium Ai, we have proudly developed an Artificial General Intelligence platform for large data integration, processing, and generative insights. Every development, delivery, and R&D happens right here – we are a 100% sovereign company, dedicated to contributing to our national Australian Industry capability and capacity."

Thank you everyone for being part. We can't wait to show the world the true potential of Australian-born technology.